We recommend that you submit samples of artwork inked over someone else's pencils rather than your own. (Otherwise, it is difficult to separate problems in your pencil drawing and problems in your ink rendering.) An inker's job is to add clarity and depth to penciled art. When a figure, object, or background is rendered with depth, the two-dimensional lines on the paper create the illusion of a three-dimensional scene.
Depth can be achieved in several different ways, most often by varying line weight and the amount of blacks in the foreground, medium ground and background in a set pattern. The penciled art should be enhanced not diminished.
Be sure to submit a photocopy of the pencil art you worked from so that we can see what you had to work with. Submit four or six pages of inked artwork, preferably from several different pencilers so we can see how you handle a variety of pencil styles.
Professional inkers use india ink and various pens and
brushes. Each inker has his or her own favorite pen tip
or brand and size of brush. They also use Pro-White
to correct occasional mistakes.
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