The year was "3050." Ridor, the KING of the Lands was under attack by the Renegades of the Land! They way of the ROBOTS was just Around the Corner! It was Man vs. Machine, and MACHINE was WINNING! The Robots and Cyborgs were the Followers of One that is Sheer Evil! One that the Name he chose fit on the dot. His name was ... "DEATH!" His fighters have been destroying the World! Ridor and Death have been at war for 12 Years now, and it is just getting WORSE! At one time of the War, Ridor's Son was close to a Radioactive Explosion! They immediately sent the boy into the Scientist's Test Chamber! There, the boy - Son of Ridor had Tests after Tests done on him to cure the Radioactivity! At this one point, they had him in this Glass Tube, which was full of a watery Liquid that healed. The Test Tube was "NOT" fully tested yet, but they gave it a SHOT anyways! They hit all the right switches, and it began to run without a problem. Them, "IT" happened! During the test, DEATH sent troops into the Scientist's Lab! He was with them, as he killed the scientists, and BLASTED the Tube! He walked away, as the Test Tube began to go Bizzerk! Spark flew everywhere, and it began to Hum Louder and louder! Now, the sparks grew into ELECTRICTY! They were Blasting things all around the Room! Some things in the Lab began to explode, as the POWER FAILED! There ... in the Sheer Darkness of the room ... the GLASS BROKE! Foot steps began to head towards the entrance ... Out walked a SUPER SOLDIER! Out walked RIDOR's SON ... but with a CHANGE! The Test Tube caused him to grew an ARMOR! This Armor was equiped with almost an Unlimmited amount of Weapons! It gave his Super Strength, and the Ability to FLY! Ridor's side had a CHANCE now thanks to ... TECH STORM!!
Tech Storm swore at THAT very moment, that HE was not going to STOP until he had "DEATH" in his HANDS! Tech Storm fought the Renegades! It looks like the GOOD will WIN AGAIN!