Submit stories through the mail and hope an editor
will buy one. This is the most popular way to try to
break in, though probably the most frustrating. Assuming an
editor gives you the go-ahead, submit a synopsis of
your plot idea no more than one page (or one
paragraph) long.
Which Characters to Write About?
You can write a story about any Star Verse character who has his own book, or one without that you think should have one.
Submit your work Double spaced: establish the
characters and the situation, introduce the conflict,
and show the resolution. If any of these elements are
missing, you do not have a salable story. You may
submit more than one plot synopsis at a time. Do not submit
detailed plots or full scripts until you have an editor's
approval of your premise or rough synopsis.
Plot submissions should feature Star Verse characters.
We cannot buy any stories about characters Star Verse
doesn't own, nor can we judge how well you handle
Star Verse characters if you use characters that belong
to anyone else. Creating incidental characters or
villains for your story is okay, but be aware that if we
buy the story using them, Star Verse Comics will own those
characters. Avoid using popular villains who may be
involved in upcoming storylines. Avoid doing anything
that infringes upon the regular writer's domain, such
as resolving subplots or old continuities.
Further Education
There is no formal education for comic book writing
offered at any university, as far as we know. We
suggest taking college courses in creative writing,
English literature, and journalism. Courses analyzing
cinema may also prove valuable since movies are
another visual storytelling medium. Any course that
broadens your knowledge may prove useful to you as a
You may also e-mail Star Verse Comics at star_verse@hotmail.com to find out Further Information.